quarta-feira, 16 de junho de 2010
Intelectual property
GoAnimate.com: Cy e Vamp- O trabalho de biologia by helenaprieto
Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!
terça-feira, 1 de junho de 2010
Ways of working and learning with web2.0 - Innovation
This video can help you to understand some changes in the way people work and learn or even have fun using online collaborative tools.
Leave a comment explaining the advantages of these new ways of working. How do they influence the way people work? Would you like to do your projects in this way or would you rather do it face to face?
quinta-feira, 27 de maio de 2010
Body language

What does your body say?
Check this cool video and find out.
To know more. Check out this site with very interesting and helpfull information.
terça-feira, 25 de maio de 2010
Changes in the world of work.
Get a Voki now!
Get a Voki now!
The world of work is changing faster than ever.
The development of technologies related to Information Technology creates new job and business opportunities and makes some traditional jobs and business obsolete
In the good old days most jobs skills were passed on from father to son or learned in the guilds – trade associations. Painters, jewellery makers, musicians, furniture makers learned their skills from their parents or relatives or in guilds and passed on their knowledge and skills to the next generation. It was common for most people to take up their parents’ jobs or business. Society changed slowly, though new jobs have been created along the way and others lost. With Industrial Revolution, many people came to live in industrial cities and work in the factories. Line production started a revolution in the world of work. But the end of the 20th century saw the biggest changes in the world of work.
The information age is changing the way people communicate and work around the world, making our world smaller and somehow more complex.
Only those who are well prepared in skills and knowledge and ability to learn new skills have a place in this new global culture. Most skills needed to find a job today are related to knowledge of languages and computer skills.
What skills and knowledge do you people need in order to get a job? Well, it depends on the job. But everyone must be ready to face new challenges, because the world is changing fast.
segunda-feira, 24 de maio de 2010
English for specific purposes - ICT
For ICT students as well as other specific areas it is important to know " english for specific jobs " so that you can understand and communicate better. Many sites have cools exercises to help you get proficient in a specif area.
In a more autonomous way you can enhance you linguistic skills, doing this exercises online.
Follow the link
sábado, 22 de maio de 2010
Intellectual property
Look for the symbols that show you if a picture, song or book is protected by copyright or if it has a creative commons license. How do you know that? Check out for information in this video. Leave a comment about the advantages of publishing your work with a Creative Commons license.
quarta-feira, 19 de maio de 2010
School and the future job?
How IT improves life and comunication
Watch this video to get some information to help you out on your reflexions. Post a comment
terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010
web2.0 fun tools
Here is a funny tools to help you draw: draw.to
Do you like sharing your photos with your friends? Here is a cool tool, easy to use and fun to work with.
Would you like to make a film?
Check out this cool site called memoov
Want to make a cool cover page for your work? why not try wordl? here is an example
The world of work is changing faster than ever.
Find out other cool tools to share with the class and make some comments about it. What is does , is it difficukt or easy to use, what features you consider interesting. Do you use it online or do you have to download it into your computer? Are they totally free, do you have to pay for them?
quarta-feira, 12 de maio de 2010
Fun Stuff for Mod 8
1- quizz on vocabulary
segunda-feira, 10 de maio de 2010
A cover letter
Follow this link and search for tips and advices as well as samples to guide you in your writing.
Write a simple cover letter answering an advertising for a job you'd like to apply.
A letter of recommendation
Here is a sample of a recommendation letter.
Use it as a model for your own letter. Write a recommendation letter for a colleague of yours.
You can aslo explore this site for other recommendation letters
Grammar practice for module 8
Task-sheet 1
Relative pronouns
Linking words 1
linking words 2
Practise your grammar online
segunda-feira, 3 de maio de 2010
Project work - module 8
Here are some suggestions for your project work for this module:
1- You are the owner of a successful busines company and you want to hire more people to assist you on your job. Describe the ideal profile of this person or people:
-What personal qualities do you look for?
-What professional profile are you looking for?
-What level of experience is required?
- Which will be this person's duties and responsibilities?
2- Imagine you are the Minister of Education and you have revolutionary plan called Education for the world of work, which has the aim of preparing students (of all ages) for the world of work. Present your plan in a powerpoint. Some aspects you should cover are
-Main school subjects and programs
-What classes should be like
-What resources should teachers use .
-How many students per class and why
-How should teachers prepare students for the world of work.
3- Make a powerpoint related to the changes in the world of work
4- Present yourself - Make an advertising about yourself , pointing out why any company should hire you.
5. ???? surprise!!!
Prepare for a job interview - get your answers right !
Use this information to make a role play with your partner.
Select questions and prepare your own answers.
Leave your questions and answers here or in the class blog
quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010
LLL - Lifelong Learning: why is it important?
Most people, either of their own choice or necessity, will have more than one job in the course of their lives.
That’s why nowadays we need to more skilled, more adaptable and more resourceful in order to adapt to the demands of the world of work. To achieve that we have to constantly improve ourselves, learn more both formally – in school, training sessions, workshops - or informally with friends or colleagues or on our own.
Do you know anyone who has come back to school? Interview this person. Find out about his/ her motivation. Do you know of any projects in your area for educationg adults or older people? From your point of view do you agree with this projects or do you think educational resources should be primarily directed to young people?
What about you? Do you plan on continuing studying? What are your plans for the future? Are you informed of the many possiblities to continue your personal education regarding your area of interest? have you have thought of going to a university in another european country?
Watch the video presenting the european program for lifelong learning.
Write a shor summary of the main ideas or about the information you found more useful for you.
To learn more
quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
Changes in the world of work.
What do you think of this new way of work? Would you like to have a job like that?
Job interviews - How to behave
How you behave can make the diffrence between getting that job or not. So here is a very helpful video. Watch it and listen for the advice given. Make a note of them.
Leave a comment saying which advice did you find most useful, which did surprise you the most. Which did you find obvious? Do you think that watching this video was helpful for you?
What you look like is also important to consider. Have in mind a dress code.Watch this video for clues and advice.
Comment on it.
On jobs - The ideal job
A nice trio of teachers have done a cool blog with useful links and activities for you to do regarding the topic JOBS and THE WORLD OF WORK.
Follow the link and have fun doing the activities online .
Search for information about your ideal job. Write a short profile on it.
Say what aspect of this job appeal to you and what personal qualities do you need to develop or have to be good at it.
You can access to interviews of people explaining their work here
Would you like to know more about the job of your dreams ? Check this site form information and write a shot profile. Post it here or deliver your answers to your teacher by mail or handout.
sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010
quarta-feira, 21 de abril de 2010
School and you - What are you good at?
Play the game THE TEST YOU CAN'T FAIL and to check your profile. This will help you to learn a lot about yourself.
I've already done it and I was very much surprised and pleased wiht the results.
Write a short commnent on what you've learnt and about your profil. Say which activity did you enjoy doing the most.
Have fun!!!
terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010
Consumer education - educating children for a better life style
This video shows the influence of advertising on children's choice of food items.
List and pay special attention to the advertising techniques mentioned to in video to influence the children.
Search for advertising techniques and make a powerpoint or a short film to illustrate them. You can also use films from the internet as illustration for your work. You can present your work in an interactive poster using glogster.com
Know your consumer rights
Make a short summary of the advice given. Then make a powerpoint to explain the consumer rights better to the class.
Complaining - a consumer right
Have you ever written a complaint letter or e-mail?
Check this website for tips and advice about complaining and how to write a complaint letter.
Use the model given to write a complaint letter
segunda-feira, 8 de março de 2010
domingo, 7 de março de 2010
Creat ,rip, mix and burn
Costumizing - Get the right product
Having in consideration the need for uptaded information and the costs of books, What are the most important advanges for both students and teachers that this service offers?
quarta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2010
how to serve a drink - videos at the bar
part 1
part 2
portugal the country of wine and porto wine
What are the main ideas of this video? Can you consider it documentary or an advertisement?
Watch this video and point out the types of oporto wine that are mentioned in the video and some information about them.
Jobs in the restaurant industry
A cool online guide book for restaurant workers
Enjoy reading it.
In here you can also find other freedownload resources that you might find interesting for your line of work. Browse through them.
If you are organizing a banquet. This information e-books might interest you.
terça-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2010
Consumer education in europe
about consumer protection and write a short text commenting on it.
How important do you think these services are to protect consumer rights?
sábado, 13 de fevereiro de 2010
The school of the future
This video is an answer to this question.
Watch this video about the school of the future.
Do you agree with his prediction for the future? Are they a reality in your school? Or just a dream?
terça-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2010
Advertising strategies
here is one to help you start
Ads to make you think and act more responsibly
Watch this ad or this and explain what is the aim of the ad. Comment on the information that is given to the people who watch it.
Great videos
One of the aspects I like most in this video is that it tells a story in a way of a fairy tail. Apparently it is addressed to children. Surely it catches children' attention. But children don't drive and they certainly are not responsibly for changing to better tyres or drive more carefully. So it seem that the target audince is the wrong one. But is it? Who watches more commercials whether on TV or on YouTube? Children and teenagers. So here it is how the advertisement techniques work. Children and teenagers that watch this vedeo will certainly understand the message and they will act as harbringers for their family. They will influence their parents and other adults.
What it and say what is this video about. Did you like it? What is the mesage? Which aspects did you like, which didn't you like?
Share with other your favourite video and explain briefly why you like and find it interesting.
Good and bad advertising
Do advertisements have a great impact in people's lives?
Here is a link to a a site explaining many interesting things about advertisments and the way they influence people, specially children.
Explore this site and do the activities. Write s short comment on what you've learn through this site.
segunda-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2010
In some adverts the product announced is obvious, in others it is not. Write a short commnet on these videos. say which do you prefer and which are easier to understand.
Country cures - share your work with others
here are some web2.0 tools and examples to give you hints.