terça-feira, 18 de maio de 2010

web2.0 fun tools

The web 2.0 is the second generation web - the collaborative web that allows everyone to publish their work and to produce interesting or funny stuf to share with others.
Here is a funny tools to help you draw: draw.to

Do you like sharing your photos with your friends? Here is a cool tool, easy to use and fun to work with.

Would you like to make a film?
Check out this cool site called memoov

Want to make a cool cover page for your work? why not try wordl? here is an example
The world of work is changing faster than ever.

Wordle: o cibercidadão

Find out other cool tools to share with the class and make some comments about it. What is does , is it difficukt or easy to use, what features you consider interesting. Do you use it online or do you have to download it into your computer? Are they totally free, do you have to pay for them?

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