What does your body say?
Check this cool video and find out.
To know more. Check out this site with very interesting and helpfull information.
Write in and share your points of view. Leave a comment, a link or your own videos or other products you've done in the course of the lessons.
Here are some suggestions for your project work for this module:
1- You are the owner of a successful busines company and you want to hire more people to assist you on your job. Describe the ideal profile of this person or people:
-What personal qualities do you look for?
-What professional profile are you looking for?
-What level of experience is required?
- Which will be this person's duties and responsibilities?
2- Imagine you are the Minister of Education and you have revolutionary plan called Education for the world of work, which has the aim of preparing students (of all ages) for the world of work. Present your plan in a powerpoint. Some aspects you should cover are
-Main school subjects and programs
-What classes should be like
-What resources should teachers use .
-How many students per class and why
-How should teachers prepare students for the world of work.
3- Make a powerpoint related to the changes in the world of work
4- Present yourself - Make an advertising about yourself , pointing out why any company should hire you.
5. ???? surprise!!!