Choose your project to present the class:

Present the different methods of preparing the vegetables - Vegetable cuts - and a short glossary of basic preparation terms.
Soups and saladas - present the basic types of soups and salads most common in the Portuguese cuisine.

Make a short glossary of the most common fish available in Portugal. Include a diagram for the parts of the fish.
Explain and illustrate the basic of preparing a fish to be cooked.
Illustrate the most common ways of cooking fish.
Include the presentation of utensils used in fish preparation and cooking and some typical Portuguese fish dishes.
Make a glossary of the most common shelfish people eat in Portugal, in particular in the West region. Present suggestions on how to prepare and cook them. Refer to special preparation methods in the west region - lagosta suada for example -.
Include the presentation of some typical shelfish dishes in the West Region.
Make a short glossary identifying the most common meat sources in Portugal. Identify the different parts of the animals.
Include some common ways of preparing and cooking meat and present some traditional meat dishes in the Portuguese Cuisine.

Cakes and pastry
Make an illustrated glossary of pastry equipment/tools and explain briefly their uses.
Make an illustrated glossary of different types of cakes and some pastry. Present some of the most typical cakes and pastry of Portugal
Refer to the measurments and measurement equipment.
Include some basic terms used in recipes.
Present your work to the class. Discuss it.
Vote on the best presentattion.
Best visual presentation
Best explanation
Best and most accomplished work.