segunda-feira, 2 de novembro de 2009

English for bartenders - CI

Hello students from TRB
I've found this cool site especially for bartenders with lots of exercises for you to practise your language skills and enjoy.
After practising, say which aspects were more interesting or useful.
Do the solutions help you learn more efficiently? how do you rate the level of the language of the exercises? OK, easy, difficult, very difficult?

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

In my opinion the foreign languages are very important for anyone working with others in the level of communication. for example to a waiter is very useful to know a little about minimally the 3 most used languages English, French, Spanish in order to meet a client in prefeição. Today to speak abroad is an asset to any worker. but above all it is very important for the waiters, bar, receptionists entremuitos others. bjx Rafaela 12 1 Restoration / Bar

Anónimo disse...

Hello teacher Helena Prieto t the site and has a very interesting exercises very good, somehow the solutions help realize a more efficient exercises. The exercises are very hard to not very complicated so ok, accessables.
Gonçalo costa Bjx