segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009


Wacth these videos and comment on them. Are they success stories?
video 1
video 2
video 3
video 4
you can use the follwoing guide lines to help you understand video 4
1. How much land do you need to produce enough food to feed new York City population ( 8 million people)?
2. Why are vertical farms a good option according to the author of the project?
3. To what does he compare the vertical farms?
4. How tall is the vertical farm building? How is it organized inside each store?
5. What type of food will people grow there?
6. Where is the seed storing facility?
7. What do people who work in the seed storing facility do?
8. What can people do inside the vertical farms?

Activity 1 -For each problem there is a solution. Leave a link for a successful story or tell a story about a good solution for an environmental problem in your region or country. Other students should comment on your work.

Activity 2 - Make a presentation of an evironment problem in your village or city. Present some solutions. Publish it somewhere and leave a link here for other colleagues to look at your work.

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