sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

User friendly or not?

You don't need to be an expert on ICT technologies to use some of the technology available to help you organize your work, your photos, to make a digital portfolio and communicate with other people and even to work in group. Just click and follow directions.
Do you think it's easy to create and use a blog to organize your portfolio or whould you prefer to do it in paper?
What are the adavantages and disadvantages or a digital portfolio?
Which items, resources can you include in a digital portfolio that you can't include in paper format?

5 comentários:

Vera disse...

I use new technologies to produce work and to talk with friends but I am very sincere when I say I'm not much of new technologies. I think they are a little complicated in certain things.
I agree a lot more to do a portfolio on paper even though the one hand it would be better to do on a digital because it would have to print the sheets ^^.... and could put many more cool stuff with photos and diagrams for example among many others things.
A paper portfolio can only put material and vocabulary while in digital photos can I put up beautiful images and diagrams to better understand certain issues.

sometimes I feel a little confused if the new technologies help us or not, but I think so.

Vera Duarte Técnico de restauração/bar

Anónimo disse...

I think the new technologies are important and helpful but we have to know how to use them, personally I don't have a blog, because i don't have time to create it and every day have to post information there but if I had time I would create a blog with everything, that is't possible in this world, about me xD
My photos, my personal information and others stuffs.

Susana Santos 12º1 Nº11

**Marisa Cunha** disse...

No doubt it is much easier to do on the computer because there tells us all the steps below.
And also we can save in multiple locations to avoid losing it, and we can change it whenever you want to me.
For me it is best to do it on the computer....
Marisa Cunha
12º,1 nº9

SHT Nº9 disse...

I never created or used a blog to organize my portfolio, but I think it is more advantageous than on paper. To access it anywhere, we just need a computer with internet. In a blog can include videos and interactive items.

Unknown disse...

Ana Rodrigues Nº1
I use new technologies to work, chat with friends, listening to music and keep up with the news. Works as portfolios are much more presentable in computer than on paper.