domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009

Using online tools

Online tools can help you work in group more efficiently. Which online tools do you know? Have you ever use any? Watch this video and comment on the advantages of using

6 comentários:

fabio disse...

I do not know many online tools, I know, the YouTube, MSN, Facebook, and a few more. I think these tools really help students. I usually use msn a lot to talk to my colleagues and even teachers to clarify doubts.

Fábio Caetano Nº 3 12º 1

FÁBÃO disse...

I know some online tools such as messenger, youtube, facebook, google maps and more. Already, I've used the messenger and youtube.

Anónimo disse...

I know some online tools such as Messenger, youtube, facebook, google erth, hi5 ...
I use hi5, messenger, youtube and more ...
Gonçalo Costa 12º1

Anónimo disse...

The use of on-line is good for people to search some jobs and Informção. It is also interesting to be online-mos-mos to talk with colleagues, with family and friends abroad.
patricia oliveira 12º1

SHT Nº9 disse...

I know some online tools such as Windows live messenger, gmail, HI5 and sonico. Normally i use gmail and the Windows live messenger. Using google docs is synonymous with speed and efficiency in the dissemination and collection of information

Anónimo disse...

SHT nº5
Yes at work helps a lot.
I know there are many tools and online retailer I've used a few.
The advantages of using google docs is that the set of online software, facilitates the day-to-day to work with documents and important information that are on the Internet.